The Cave
A secret library for $upporting $ubscribers only, a.k.a. my inner circle. Join us for $5 a month or less and get access to excerpts, full books, other exclusive content and special events. (Info on how to request a gift subscription is below.)

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Full Books
Inside the Mills Revolution - cartoon journal of the 1990 Student Strike at Mills College, winner of the Bay Guardian Cartoon Contest
Excerpts from The Winning Family
Excerpts from Ten Days, Ten Pounds 🥂:
Video Features
The Virtues of Vintage Cookbooks: Fashionable Foods for Deco Dining (video essay/presentation) 🥫- lecture presented to Art Deco Society of California & Miami Design Preservation League
The Dirndl Diaspora (feature length animated movie)🍺 - for Oaktoberfest in the Dimond
Video Shorts
Destination: Disneyland (story slam) 🏰 - originally performed at Story Slam Oakland
Walk-Off Pie (for Grieving A’s Fans) - home movie, Youtube fave
Short Stories
Spirit of ‘76 🚌 - a family road trip in a 1966 VW van.
School of Velocity - a meditation on piano playing and lost parents
The Anointing👑 - original poem about the Muses
The Ballad of Lotus LaRoux - a femme fatale meets her (lit) match.
Fiberlicious! 🌽 - taking the guesswork out of healthy food choices
Barbie, Queen of the Prom - extra player cards for the board game 👗
A Kinder, Gentler Vaccination Technique - a PSA for parents and injection professionals
My Human Design Chart 💫 - 5/2 MP for those of you who know what this is
Join My Inner Circle!
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How is my name pronounced? (HINT)
What’s your favorite thing of mine you’ve read or watched and why?
What might I like that you made or like?
Thank you for your support! Enjoy my work! Your financial donations also support my volunteer efforts as an activist writer, dance instigator, child whisperer, community leader, arts instigator and supporter, citizen, family caretaker, guide and/or muse to those who need it, storyteller, and thing maker.